If you are a landlord thinking of renting out your condo or single family home in Boca Raton, you need to be aware of a proposed rental registration program. Tenants who are looking to rent an apartment or home in Boca Raton should also be aware of the proposed rental regulation. I can help those who are seeking to rent out a home as well as those who would like to lease a home in Boca Raton and surrounding areas of Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Highland Beach, etc.
Recently the city of Boca Raton began reviewing a program that would have landlords register properties and tenants with the city. The intent of the proposed registration program is the enhance the quality of life by reducing nuisance situations. In addition, code compliance is thought to help keep property values stable. The plan is to be discussed at a workshop in November 2015.
The proposed rental registration would make it easier to police rental regulations. For instance, Boca Raton currently has rules that prohibit more than three unrelated adults living in the same single-family house.
Landlords should be aware of the potential impact to them as well. If there are multiple code enforcement actions against a landlord, it would restrict the landlord's ability to rent.
Fees to the City of Boca Raton for the registration process would offset part of the costs of the proposed program. As such, the cost of renting would most likely increase.
I take an analytical approach to buying, selling and leasing real estate. If you are thinking of selling or buying a home in Boca West Country Club, please feel free text me or call me at 561-247-3550.
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Michael Friedman
Member of Who's Who in Luxury Real Estate
Lang Realty
An Analytical Approach To Buying, Selling and Leasing Real Estate
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